Carrot Top Studio

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Outside the Studio: Finding inspiration in Italy (part 3 of 4 - Varenna)

Previously posted July 8, 2019 —Inspiration for our work at Carrot Top Studio can be found in so many different places! We find it in the everyday, in readings, in fabric, and in getting out of the normal routine. A recent trip to Italy allowed us days full of “inspiring moments.” Here are the highlights from Varenna ….

Varenna is a small community on Lake Como. It was founded by local fisherman in 769. We appreciated yet another community where car traffic was limited. We enjoyed navigated the narrow, ancient, stepped pathways.

Inspiration take away — Walking allows us time to be mindful and to observe details in what we are passing.

Lake Como is surrounded by the base of the Alps. The drama of the area was intoxicating.

Inspiration take away — Gratitude to the Creator.

Part of our vacation mode activities included renting bikes. Here we are half way up the mountain … feeling accomplished in our 50’s!

Inspiration take away — Look at that view! Can we say it again … gratitude for the Creator!

Traveling tip: if you are ever in the area check out Bike It Bellagio. This small business run by a young couple was one of the most hospitable and enjoyable experiences we had in Italy.

Part of our vacation mode activities included renting bikes. Here we are half way up the mountain … feeling accomplished in our 50’s!

Inspiration take away — Look at that view! Can we say it again … gratitude for the Creator!

Traveling tip: if you are ever in the area check out Bike It Bellagio. This small business run by a young couple was one of the most hospitable and enjoyable experiences we had in Italy.

The town piazza in Varenna has five of these trees. They are planted in the shape of a V to honor Queen Victoria who visited many years ago. The lines of the structure were beautiful. And the shade provided allowed for a place of congregation.

Inspiration take away — Congregation doesn’t always require a man made building.

Next up … one last art filled day in Milan.