Carrot Top Studio

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Happy Trails

If you’re reading this years from now know that we are in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic. It’s the end of summer. And we love to travel. Needing to stay away from as many people as we could it seemed like a perfect time to head to the quiet of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan to cure our cabin fever. When we travel I try to have an open mind to whatever inspiration will enter into my head and heart. Prior to departing I suspected the lighthouses we would see as we edged our way around lake Michigan would be just that. They were most definitely lovely and cause me to think about guidance and refuge in relationship to my faith. They might end up on a stole someday!

But what surprised us was all the trails/paths we came across. They held necessity for our travels on foot, on the wheels of our bicycles and in our car. There is of course much scripture to lean up when it comes to following a path. Upon returning to the studio I designed and created a new stole that will hopefully be a strong visual connection to the Word in worship. We chose Psalm 16:11 to ponder and illustrate.

“You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence,

with eternal pleasures at your right hand.”

I am thankful for the ability to travel and look forward to the next adventure! In the meantime you can see the stole in full here.