Carrot Top Studio

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Wedding Banners for a Church Sanctuary

Previously posted on September 4, 2019 — Carrot Top Studio became a business after fulfilling a request to work as a volunteer to create worship banners for our then home church Westminster Presbyterian in Pittsburgh, PA. We led a team that worked cooperatively on the designs and the sewing to create banners for the sanctuary for the entire liturgical church year calendar. And we were surprised to discover we loved this type of work! One thing led to another and we realized clergy stoles were essentially scaled down worship banners. And. Voila! The business was born.

Fast forward to this summer when we were pleased to receive a call from our former church in regards to creating a set of wedding banners for the sanctuary. Despite now living and working outside Detroit, MI we gladly said yes! A few emails back and forth and we were set on a design and color palette that would hopefully please many soon to be wedded couples, honor the Christian tradition of marriage ceremonies and be a color scheme that would work with the sanctuary and enhance most weddings.

This was the chosen palette for the sanctuary that is mostly creamy white with a dark slate floor and oak wood accents.

Patterns were created for the flower symbols that would represent life and growing together.

The symbols were appliquéd onto the background fabric by machine.

Arranged in a ring the plant life represents God’s everlasting love.

The work is complete! The banners are actually 21” wide by 6’ long. This ring is at the top of one banner and the other banner has the ring at the hem. Once there is a wedding and we have a picture of the banners in place we’ll gladly share that!