A Baptism stole

Pastor Dave shares about his commissioned hand print stole — “What a joy during worship this morning, for many reasons! I was privileged to administer the sacrament of baptism to young Brian about twenty-five years ago. Since then, I've had the joy of sharing in his confirmation and presiding at his marriage! Today, we celebrated the baptism of their beautiful child, Linnie! I'm wearing a stole that was made for me a decade or so ago by the wonderful Jenny at Carrot Top Studio. The stole features tracings of handprints from some of those I've baptized at the Crafton Heights Church - including Brian! This photo show's Linnie's hand resting on the print of her dad!”

Details are always important to our work and we especially love the little handprints on the back tip of this stole. They are almost like a hug! Below is an image of Pastor Dave receive this special gift in honor of his ministry. We are humbled to be making a visual connection in his ministry. Custom stoles (commissions) are a joy to create. If you’d like to know more about the process read this page or email us! We’ll look forward to knowing if we can help.

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Jenny Gallo

Jenny Gallo is the artist and owner of Carrot Top Studio. Since 2004 Carrot Top Studio has sold unique, handmade ministry stoles and related products to a global clientele. The first chapter of her professional life permitted her to teach art in Chicago, Houston and Pittsburgh. Her B.S. in Art Education was earned from The Pennsylvania State University. Jenny Gallo resides in the Detroit, MI area.




Summer Sketchbook