Clergy stoles for Easter

I’m always found it challenging to create stoles for the season of Easter. Really. How do you give the magnificence of the Resurrection justice!? So, each year I give the collection my best try focusing on imagery and colors that say ‘new life, joy and rejoice!” below is a highlight of the current collection. Remember that we create in limited editions and sometimes a design sells out quickly! You can see the entire collection here.

The lily is the traditional flower of Easter and is highly regarded as a joyful symbol of elegance, beauty, spirituality, hope, and life. In art the lily has historically been used to represent Mary the mother of Jesus and her purity. The lily stole is found here.

Are you drawn to stained glass and the metaphor of the light that shines through it? This stole is for you!

This one of a kind stole visually oozes Easter joy! Hinting at the the crown of thorns is a first for us in an Easter stole. The other unique thing about this stole is the border strip that is multicolored with bright pastel colors. This fabric was hand dyed in our studio and we think the result is really charming.

The joy of the empty tomb stole is one of our best sellers. Can you image what it would have been like that day?

The joy of the empty tomb stole is one of our best sellers. Can you image what it would have been like that day?

Legends can be a powerful way to connect the story of our faith and that is what this dogwood embellished stole does. The blossoms bear the scars of Jesus’ crucifixion. The petals are tipped with blood-fringed nail indentations, the flower is cross-shaped, and the center represents the crown of thorns. This symbolism is to compensate for the dogwood being the wood of the cross on which Jesus died. So meaningful!

Intrigued but none of these designs is just right for your ministry? See the remainder of the collection here. Or request a one of a kind stole commission by emailing me here.

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Jenny Gallo

Jenny Gallo is the artist and owner of Carrot Top Studio. Since 2004 Carrot Top Studio has sold unique, handmade ministry stoles and related products to a global clientele. The first chapter of her professional life permitted her to teach art in Chicago, Houston and Pittsburgh. Her B.S. in Art Education was earned from The Pennsylvania State University. Jenny Gallo resides in the Detroit, MI area.



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