How Do You Store Your Stole?

Of course we have a few questions that are frequently asked! And how to store your stole is one of those questions. Here are clever hangers (we’re not affiliated with this company.) But we’re comfortable with a simpler solution.

Draping your stole over a hanger with smooth round edges works fine. It’s good for the fibers to hang straight. And a thicker hanger will keep your stole from getting creased.

One client shared that they hung a long curtain rod in their office to drape their stoles over. This is a brilliant solution as it would provide such a wonderful bit of color in an office. Better yet the stoles and their meanings would be a wonderful talking point with visitors. That is one of the reasons why stoles with special colors and symbols are worn isn’t it? The stories are important! And engaging people through the visual is a meaningful connection. You’ve probably heard me say it before (ha,ha) — 40-60% of people are visual learners. Connect with them through your stoles, worship banners, bulletin cover art, and audio visual graphics!

What wouldn’t we recommend? Hanging your stoles from a tree branch. Give us a break — this one was just for social media! Oh the marketing moments we are caused to have in this day and age! Geez =)

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Jenny Gallo

Jenny Gallo is the artist and owner of Carrot Top Studio. Since 2004 Carrot Top Studio has sold unique, handmade ministry stoles and related products to a global clientele. The first chapter of her professional life permitted her to teach art in Chicago, Houston and Pittsburgh. Her B.S. in Art Education was earned from The Pennsylvania State University. Jenny Gallo resides in the Detroit, MI area.



Art for Lent