Outside the Studio: Asheville, North Carolina (and the clergy stole it inspired!)
Previously posted March 25, 2020 — February found us in the Asheville, North Carolina area for the first time. Despite the dreary sky and unseasonably cold temperatures we were awe struck by the natural surroundings. In particular, we had never seen so many rhododendrons!
Look at how they cover this hillside! They were covered with buds and I suspect they are now gloriously in bloom or close to it.
When we travel we’re always looking for inspiration for new stoles and being in this space we knew we’d go home and try to depict God’s splendor of the layers of mountain and the beautiful lush rhododendrons.
Back in the studio we are now sheltering at home (where our studio is) due to the Coronavirus pandemic. It is also Lent. Both of these seasons have us thinking a lot about the hope for what is yet to come. Therefore we left the flowers off of the plants to symbolize this practice of waiting and hoping. See the completed stole here.
During this season I have been trying to be faithful to my meditation practice. Today before I started, the prayer I turned to before sitting went like this —
Wondrous Worker of Wonders,
I praise you, not alone for what has been
or for what is,
but for what is yet to be,
for you are gracious beyond all telling of it.
**I Praise You For What Is Yet To Be from Guerrillas of Grace by Ted Loder
It just seemed so fitting.
And before I sign out I must say we left Asheville looking forward to another trip there. The food, the music and so much wonderful hiking could not all be conquered in one fast weekend!
In front of the FlatIron Building! A perfect prop for someone who uses an iron almost daily!
Couldn’t resist — another fitting message!