Carrot holding sign that says "hi"

Insights & Inspiration

At Carrot Top Studio, our blog is a space where we share insights, stories, and creative inspiration that goes beyond our products. We believe in the power of storytelling and the beauty of continuous learning, and our blog reflects that passion. Whether you’re an artist, a spiritual leader, or simply someone who appreciates the intersection of art and faith, our writing offers valuable lessons and a peek into the heart of what we do. Join us in exploring these ideas, and let our words inspire your journey.

Jenny Gallo Jenny Gallo

A Lenten Reflection Prompt: The Memory of What Was Lost

Reflecting on what we’ve lost can be a powerful exercise in gratitude and spiritual growth. What emotions surface when you think about this item? Does its absence create space for something new? In this Lenten season, consider how loss—whether intentional or unexpected—shapes our faith journey. Use this prompt to journal, sketch, or pray, allowing your reflections to draw you deeper into the themes of release and renewal. For more guided reflections like this, visit my Substack, where I share additional insights and an audio version of this prompt.

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Jenny Gallo Jenny Gallo

Creating a Lenten Prayer Space: Inviting Stillness and Reflection Into Your Home

Transform your home into a sacred space for Lent with a simple yet meaningful prayer corner. Creating a Lenten prayer space invites stillness, reflection, and deeper connection with God during this season of renewal. Whether it’s a small table with a candle and cross, a bowl of stones representing burdens, or a piece of art that speaks to your journey, these visual reminders help center your heart in prayer. In this post, we’ll explore ways to design a space that fosters contemplation and draws you closer to the spirit of Lent.

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Jenny Gallo Jenny Gallo

Adorning Worship: The Symbolism of Our Lenten Stole Collection

Discover the depth of the Lenten season through our thoughtfully designed clergy stoles. Each stole in the Carrot Top Studio Lenten collection weaves together meaningful symbols—palms, crosses, wilderness imagery, and rich purples (and more!)—to reflect themes of sacrifice, renewal, and spiritual preparation. With handcrafted details and intentional storytelling, these stoles are designed to enhance worship and visually connect congregations to the journey toward Easter. Explore the collection and find a stole that speaks to the heart of your ministry this Lent.

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Jenny Gallo Jenny Gallo

Adorning (or Unadorning) Worship Spaces for Lent: Creating a Visual Connection to the Season

Creating a meaningful worship environment during Lent helps guide congregations through this season of reflection, repentance, and spiritual renewal. Whether through simplified altar designs, symbolic visuals like ashes and thorns, or interactive prayer stations, church leaders can use their worship space to deepen the Lenten journey. Some churches embrace minimalist decor, removing floral arrangements and dimming lighting, while others incorporate intentional symbols like purple drapery, stones, or the cross. These visual changes not only enhance worship services but also prepare hearts for the joy of Easter. Explore creative ways to adorn (or unadorn) your sanctuary, altar, or sacred spacefor Lent in this post.

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Jenny Gallo Jenny Gallo

Journey to the Cross: Reflecting on Lent Through Art and Symbolism

As we embark on the sacred journey of Lent, art and symbolism can provide powerful ways to reflect, pray, and renew our spirits. Through visual imagery, we are invited to meditate on the themes of sacrifice, repentance, and hope. The cross, ashes, and desert landscapes are just a few symbols that can deepen our connection to this season of preparation. In this post, we explore how these powerful images invite reflection and prayer, guiding us closer to the heart of Lent and the renewal it brings.

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Jenny Gallo Jenny Gallo

Visual Connections in Worship: Cultivating Quiet Reflections During Lent

As we enter the sacred season of Lent, a hushed reverence settles over the church—a time of quiet introspection and spiritual depth. In this unique period, the power of visual connections in worship becomes a profound avenue for fostering quiet reflection. Read this blog post to be inspired for Lenten worship.

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Jenny Gallo Jenny Gallo

The Hexagon As a Symbol

The hexagon is a lovely shape and it has interesting symbolism. Read all about it and see the resulting stole for Lent that was created out of appliqued hexagons by Carrot Top Studio.

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