Unique Commission Details

Making visual connections to your ministry is vital to all. But it is especially worthy for the 40-60% of the people you minister to that are visual learners. So when requests are made at Carrot Top Studio for one of. kind stoles with very particular visual elements we are thrilled to be able to help. Of course in the nineteen years of business, we’ve had a lot of variety in the one-of-a-kind commissions. To inspire you, here are some of the highlights —

All the churches for one pastor

The request was to create a stole that visually connected the parishes the one pastor served. The landscape was fun too as we were able to include autumn hillsides and the fishing and boating industries of this particular coastal community.

A retirement gift

The recipient of this stole was gifted by a group that wanted to highlight his special interests. We’d never appliquéd a cyclist on a stole before, so that was special! This pastor, despite retiring, looks forward to new and different occasions to preach at so he will be able to use this precious gift.

Summer camp chaplains

A Christian summer camp had a lovely idea of commissioning a stole for their chaplains to wear during Sunday worship. Each week they welcomed a different visiting chaplain who would take turns wearing this stole. The stole was created with visuals connecting it to that summer’s theme.

Carrot Top Studio created unique, artistic stoles for clergy, pastors, chaplains and wedding officiants. This blog post highlights the custom commissioned stoles they create.

Community connections

A congregation that mentored a newly ordained pastor commissioned this stole as a gift. The new pastor would be serving smaller churches that were an extension of the larger community church. This design connected that ministry with visual images of all involved.

Baptism stole

And last but not least — The wife of a seasoned pastor commissioned this stole to connect her husband’s ministry to the ritual of Baptism. She collected hand tracings from many, many of those that had been Baptized over the past decades under her husband’s leadership. Some hands were now adult size but one young one that had recently been prayed over is touching her own handprint in this picture. So sweet!

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Jenny Gallo

Jenny Gallo is the artist and owner of Carrot Top Studio. Since 2004 Carrot Top Studio has sold unique, handmade ministry stoles and related products to a global clientele. The first chapter of her professional life permitted her to teach art in Chicago, Houston and Pittsburgh. Her B.S. in Art Education was earned from The Pennsylvania State University. Jenny Gallo resides in the Detroit, MI area.


Visual Language


A Communion Tablecloth