A Communion Tablecloth
For decades I’ve embraced one of a kind commissions to help clergy make a very personal connection via the stoles they wear in their ministry. Occasionally a unique request comes along that uses those skills but isn’t a clergy stole. And that’s what happened when former clients at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Pittsburgh, PA called about a Communion table cloth.
If you aren’t familiar with this voided cross design, I love using it because it represents taking the message from worship and our faith out into all corners of the world.
An interesting challenge
Like many churches, this faith community developed an online presence during the global pandemic. This outreach has remained. So the tablecloth needed to be a visual connection from the front for the benefit of the in-person congregation and also from the tabletop view which is what the camera focuses upon.
It was so wonderful to collaborate on this work with a quilter I have a relationship. Her art echoed the energy of community worship with the center stitching and accented the traditional with the surrounding grid quilting.
Below is the Communion Tablecloth ‘in action!’ The white background was a smart choice as it really highlights the table in the dark worship setting. I pray it will be a strong visual connection for many years to come.