Inspiration in Italy

I stepped out of the studio for two weeks to travel in Italy. I remain grateful to the clients that were patient to wait for shipping while we were gone. The travel is important to me because it helps me see with fresh eyes. My world becomes larger. And I even think my relationship with God deepens. I usually come home from a trip, whether it’s far away for an extended time or near by just for the weekend, brimming with artistic insight for what will happen next in the studio. And I am full of gratitude to be able to fill up my soul in this way. What follows is a bit of a photo dump from visiting Italy. We started in Naples, went next to Sorrento, then Assisi and followed the first week with a week at an olive tree farm in Tuscany. It was all pretty magical.

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Jenny Gallo

Jenny Gallo is the artist and owner of Carrot Top Studio. Since 2004 Carrot Top Studio has sold unique, handmade ministry stoles and related products to a global clientele. The first chapter of her professional life permitted her to teach art in Chicago, Houston and Pittsburgh. Her B.S. in Art Education was earned from The Pennsylvania State University. Jenny Gallo resides in the Detroit, MI area.

An Extension


Countdown to Advent: The Jesse Tree