Jenny Gallo Jenny Gallo

Sharing Creativity: Why We Offer a 'Create-a-Stole' Booklet

At Carrot Top Studio, we believe in sharing creativity, not competition! Our Create-a-Stole: Tips and Techniques booklet offers unique and expert tips to help individuals or groups design personalized stoles for clergy, pastors, chaplains, and wedding officiants. Drawing from over 20 years of experience, this booklet provides insight into crafting meaningful vestments for ministry or special occasions. Whether you’re a seasoned artist or a beginner, this guide encourages you to embrace your creative expression in worship. Learn more and start your stole project today with our easy-to-follow tips!

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Jenny Gallo Jenny Gallo

A Kaleidoscope of Choices: Advent Stoles from Carrot Top Studio

While walking through the church year calendar, the Advent season offers a canvas for creativity and expression. At Carrot Top Studio, we believe that every ministry is unique, and so are the individuals who serve within it. That's why our collection of Advent stoles is as diverse as the ministries they adorn. From traditional designs to contemporary expressions, we offer a kaleidoscope of choices that reflect the multifaceted nature of faith and devotion. Join us as we journey through the spectrum of Advent stoles, each a vibrant piece of artistry, each with a unique story to tell.

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Jenny Gallo Jenny Gallo

The Palette of Spirituality: Unveiling the Significance of Color in Stole Design

In the world of artistry, there's a unique canvas for expression, one that embodies the essence of faith and devotion – the clergy stole. As an artist, I've had the privilege of crafting these symbolic pieces for Carrot Top Studio, where we believe that colors are not just hues but carriers of emotions, seasons, and profound themes in religious and spiritual contexts. Read this blog post to understand more.

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Jenny Gallo Jenny Gallo

Crafting a Stole Inspired by John Wesley: A Testament to Faith and Ministry

In the world of liturgical artistry, every project is a unique journey, a canvas waiting to be painted with the stories, symbols, and spirituality of those who wear it. Carrot Top Studio recently had the privilege of embarking on such a journey, working on a commissioned stole project that paid tribute to the legacy of John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist Movement. Learn more about the project and see the finished stole in this blog post by Jenny Gallo.

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Jenny Gallo Jenny Gallo

Gifting a Clergy Stole

Greetings, kindred spirits of art and spirituality! As we embark on a journey through the realms of creativity and reverence, let us delve into the cherished tradition of gifting a unique, artistic clergy stole from the heart of Carrot Top Studio.

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Jenny Gallo Jenny Gallo

Embracing the Dance of Joy: Finding Hope, Patience, Faithfulness, and Prayer Along the Way

Just as a flower unfolds its petals over time, joy blooms gradually, reminding us that not all hopes are swift to materialize. This blog post explores this topic knowing that with patience as our steadfast companion, we can navigate the meandering path, knowing that the eventual destination will be all the more rewarding for the wait. And see how the theme is connected visually to a new Carrot Top Studio rainbow stole design!

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