Jenny Gallo Jenny Gallo

A Kaleidoscope of Choices: Advent Stoles from Carrot Top Studio

While walking through the church year calendar, the Advent season offers a canvas for creativity and expression. At Carrot Top Studio, we believe that every ministry is unique, and so are the individuals who serve within it. That's why our collection of Advent stoles is as diverse as the ministries they adorn. From traditional designs to contemporary expressions, we offer a kaleidoscope of choices that reflect the multifaceted nature of faith and devotion. Join us as we journey through the spectrum of Advent stoles, each a vibrant piece of artistry, each with a unique story to tell.

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Jenny Gallo Jenny Gallo

Awaiting the Light: Symbolism of Colors in Advent Clergy Stoles

In the world of liturgical art, the Advent season is a time of anticipation, reflection, and hope. As artists at Carrot Top Studio, we recognize that the colors we choose for our Advent stoles are not just aesthetics; they are profound expressions of the spiritual journey. This blog post explores the significance of purple, blue, and occasionally pink in Advent stoles, and how each hue beautifully encapsulates the themes of hope, preparation, and joy.

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Jenny Gallo Jenny Gallo

The Palette of Spirituality: Unveiling the Significance of Color in Stole Design

In the world of artistry, there's a unique canvas for expression, one that embodies the essence of faith and devotion – the clergy stole. As an artist, I've had the privilege of crafting these symbolic pieces for Carrot Top Studio, where we believe that colors are not just hues but carriers of emotions, seasons, and profound themes in religious and spiritual contexts. Read this blog post to understand more.

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Jenny Gallo Jenny Gallo

Stitching Sacred Stories: The Inspirations Behind Our Clergy Stoles

At Carrot Top Studio, our commitment to creating unique, artistic stoles for the clergy goes beyond business; it's a labor of love and reverence. This blog post explores the way we draw from the well of inspiration provided by the Bible, nature, literature, music, travel, and the endless possibilities of color and form, we invite you to join us on this journey of faith and creativity.

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Jenny Gallo Jenny Gallo

The Donkey’s Divine Lesson

This blog post delves into the significance of the donkey in the Bible, we uncover a profound truth. It is not about our individual desires or self-promotion but about embracing the mission that God has entrusted to us. May we listen, learn, and allow the example of the donkey to guide us in the Kingdom work that lies before us.

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